Entrepreneurs Gone Wild Podcast featuring Dr. Gary
Entrepreneurs Gone Wild Podcast featuring Dr. Gary
Exciting news! I recently had the pleasure of being featured on Entrepreneurs Gone Wild, where I shared my journey starting off in New York, emerging as a champion athlete and springboard diver, and becoming a global presentation coach.
In this interview, I dive deep into:
- My unique “Waterfall Practice” for instant energy alignment
- How I help entrepreneurs transform their message from the inside out
- The power of multisensory techniques in public speaking
- My life-changing journey across continents that shaped my methodology
If you’ve ever struggled with public speaking or want to take your presentation skills to the next level, this episode is for you.
Watch now to discover how to unleash your inner rockstar and captivate any audience. PODCAST LINK: https://entrepreneursgonewild.com/p/gary-wohlman
PODCAST TITLE: This 73-Year-Old’s “Waterfall Practice” Will Skyrocket Your Creativity and Confidence
A Waterfall, a Mountaintop, and a Microphone
Picture this: A 73-year-old man perched atop an Australian mountain, surrounded by kangaroos, speaking into a microphone connected to the world via Starlink. Sounds like the setup for a joke, right?
It’s not. It’s Dr. Gary Wohlman’s office.
The self-proclaimed “Presentation Doctor” has come a long way from his New York roots. Literally and figuratively. His journey from Big Apple academic to antipodean speaking guru is as unconventional as his methods. And those methods? They’re changing the game for public speakers everywhere.
From Diving Board to Soapbox
Gary’s story begins on a diving board. As a champion springboard diver and gymnast, he learned early on the power of physical expression. But it wasn’t until a fateful meeting with a psychiatrist that he found his true calling.
“Son,” the psychiatrist told him, “I see a young man with such creativity, such intuition. Don’t follow the traditional path. Go where the human potential movement is just starting.”
Gary’s whole body shouted “YES!”
So he did what any sensible person would do. He became a court jester.
The Jester’s Journey
Hawaii. The Soviet Union. New Zealand. Australia. Gary’s path reads like a particularly eclectic travel blog. At each stop, he honed his craft. Body therapy. Improvisational theater. Psychodrama.
The result? A unique blend of physical, emotional, and verbal techniques that transform even the most tongue-tied presenter into a communication powerhouse.
The Waterfall Practice: More Than Just Hot Air
Now, about that waterfall.
Every day, Gary sits in a natural rock formation under a cascading stream. He breathes. He vocalizes. He moves. It’s part meditation, part vocal exercise, part interpretive dance.
This daily ritual, which Gary calls the “Waterfall Practice,” is at the core of his methodology. It’s a series of five specific breaths and sounds, each corresponding to different parts of the body and aspects of self-expression:
- “Ah” – Opens the heart center, releasing tension and promoting receptivity.
- “E” – Frees the speech center, encouraging clear and confident communication.
- “I” – Connects with the spine and core, grounding the speaker in their identity.
- “O” – Honors circular processes and interconnectedness.
- “Oo” – Grounds the speaker and helps manifest their vision.
Each sound is accompanied by specific body movements and visualizations, creating a multi-sensory experience that aligns body, mind, and voice. This practice isn’t just about vocal warm-ups; it’s a holistic approach to preparing oneself for authentic, powerful communication.
From Stiff to Stellar: The Wohlman Way
Gary’s approach is simple. Well, sort of.
- Identify limiting beliefs
- Replace with empowering self-talk
- Encode new beliefs through multi-sensory exercises
- Structure content for maximum impact
- Deliver with full-body engagement
Easy, right?
Not quite. But it works.
The 12 Ways: Encoding New Beliefs
One of Gary’s most powerful techniques is what he calls the “12 ways” exercise. This method is designed to encode new, empowering beliefs into the speaker’s muscle memory, replacing limiting self-talk.
Here’s how it works:
- Identify three keywords that represent the new self-talk.
- Express these keywords in 12 different ways:
- First person (“I am…”)
- Second person (“You are…”)
- Third person (“He/She is…”)
- Plural (“We are…”)
- Shout it
- Whisper it
- Mouth it silently
- Mime it
- Sing it
- Say it in gibberish
- Write it down
- Express it as a court jester
This multi-sensory approach ensures that the new belief is integrated on multiple levels – physical, emotional, and mental. It’s not just about positive thinking; it’s about embodying a new way of being.
The Mind-Body Connection: Beyond Traditional Coaching
What sets Gary’s approach apart from traditional public speaking coaching is his emphasis on the mind-body connection. While many coaches focus on content and delivery techniques, Gary’s method integrates physical, emotional, and verbal elements to create a holistic transformation.
His “Wohlman Method for the Whole Person” combines stretching muscles with corresponding affirmations spoken, whispered, and sung in rhyme. This unique approach catalyzes physical, emotional, and creative release, helping speakers overcome deeply ingrained patterns that may be holding them back.
By addressing the physical tension that often accompanies emotional blocks, Gary’s method allows speakers to access a more authentic and powerful form of self-expression. It’s not just about what you say, but how your entire being expresses it.
The Proof is in the Presentation
Just ask Janeen Sonsie, international speaker and managing director. She credits Gary with transforming her “unstructured sort of rambling presentation” into a “highly structured and professional” masterpiece.
Or Rosita Perez, Speaker of the Year in the USA, who gushes, “Without theatrics, you were theatrical. Without drama, you were dramatic”
High praise. But can it work for everyone?
From Boardroom to Living Room: Zoom-Era Speaking
In today’s world of virtual meetings and webinars, Gary’s techniques are more relevant than ever. After all, engaging an audience through a screen requires even more energy and presence than in-person speaking.
His advice? “Get out of your head and into your body.” Even if that body is sitting in a home office chair.
The Final Act: Your Turn
So, what’s the takeaway from this tale of a septuagenarian speaking savant?
Simple. Public speaking isn’t just about words. It’s about presence. Energy. Connection.
And yes, maybe even a little court jesterhood.
Ready to transform your own presentations? Dr. Gary Wohlman is just a Starlink connection away. Visit https://tidycal.com/drgarywohlman to book a discovery call and start your journey from stressed to stellar speaker.
Who knows? You might just find yourself under a waterfall someday.
Podcast Testimonial:
“Dr. Gary Wohlman was an absolute delight to have on Entrepreneurs Gone Wild!
His energy and passion for helping people communicate authentically shone through in every moment of our conversation. As ‘The Presentation Doctor,’ Gary brought a wealth of knowledge and practical tips that our audience found incredibly valuable. His unique approach to public speaking and personal expression is both refreshing and effective.
Not only did he provide insightful content, but he also kept the interview engaging and fun throughout. If you’re looking for a guest who can offer real value to your listeners while keeping them entertained, I highly recommend having Dr. Gary on your podcast.
He’s sure to leave your audience inspired and equipped with new tools for better communication.”
Sue Anderson
Entrepreneurs Gone Wild
Viewer comments:
“Just watched your podcast and loved it! You are brilliant at what you do, and I enjoy listening to you because you are so animated, energized, and interesting.” — Best-selling author