Media coverage videos

NOTE: To access the most recent videos, visit the “Mastering Presentation Skills” YouTube channel:

The Body Speaks

The Age, Fairfax Media Group, Australia
Posture is key, Gary Wohlman says, and getting the arms, hands and fingers to make pictures the audience can clearly see is more than half the battle.
Watch the video…

When words are not enough

Interviewed on National TV, Channel 7: The Morning Show
via Yahoo!7 TV,
hosted by Larry Emdur & Kylie Gillies
Watch the video…

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Asia Talk

Asia Talk is sponsored by NTD TV (New Tang Dynasty Television),  a television broadcaster based in New York City with correspondents in over 70 cities worldwide.
The Art of Communication
In these videos, recorded with the highest quality camera equipment in the NTD TV production studio, you will see Dr Gary being interviewed in his original home town of New York City by a news anchor woman from the internationally broadcast “Asia Talk” show, where he provides an overview of his teaching principles.
Tools, techniques and tips for enhancing authenticity, engagement and charismatic presence when making live presentations are all revealed in this live interview.
Watch the 3 videos…

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Dr Gary Teachings

The essence of Dr Gary teachings
In this video filled with special visual effects, Dr Gary is interviewed by Nikki Cooper of Express News Video Services. Following a dynamic live presentation Dr Gary has just given to a group of professional presenters and coaches, Nikki asks penetrating questions as to how Dr Gary sees his point-of-difference in generating swift presentation breakthroughs which continue to last and grow.
Watch the video…

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Dr Gary Teachings

Overview of Dr Gary’s teachings principles
In this video, Dr gary reveals his key teaching principles, with visual overlays to create graphic enhancement of his message.  He covers the following:

  1. Developing Self-Talk to enhance the Impact & effectiveness of live presentations
  2. The 3 V’s of communication: How to integrate the Verbal, Vocal & Visual components so your spoken message matches your physical delivery
  3. The “Grid System” for walking your talk and creating a conscious choreography of communication
  4. The P.E.A formula / Cycle of Communication, providing a structure for you to make your Points with clear Examples & Application to your audience.
  5. The “Speech Cycle” template to clarify the content of a presentation, which can be applied to keynote presentations as well as for reaching people more easily with your intended message.

Watch the video…

“How to liberate authentic communication of mind, body and spirit”

TV interview of “The SHTICK” , Australia
This episode of “The SHTICK” aired on TV, where I was interviewed on my perspective for liberating authentic communication.
I am followed by Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Opposition Attorney-General telling us his take on the 18C Amendments, followed by David Southwick’s launch of Active April, ending with Bob Marley’s song “Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights.”
Watch the 3 videos…

Presentation skills: Hints and Tips

HC Online TV
Human Capital TV brings you closer to the industry’s most influential leaders and thinkers.Click here to read the transcript or for more watch the video….

Interview on Truth Xpose TV

Truth Xpose TV
Here Aldwyn Altuney interviews Dr Gary, where he reveals how people can free themselves on all levels to speak their truth with ease, to liberate their full self expression and bring their voice and message into the world as they have always dreamed possible. A wide variety of topics is covered here, including how to speak your truth, be fully self expressed, sex, love, intimacy and poetry.

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Dr Gary shares some amazing tips about live presentations
This video is unique in that Dr Gary gave this interview-format presentation to a live audience just days before he had emergency spinal surgery – a good example of communicating with ‘vulnerability as strength’, with Dr Gary not being aware at the time that the physical pain he was experiencing was actually a massive staph infection that nearly killed him.
In this video, he reveals tools for generating authenticity, genuineness, and transparency in speaking to audiences. He covers the 5S principle for speaking in the fewest words, the 3V’s of the Verbal, Vocal, Visual components of communication, and leads the audience through different practices – including an interactive exercise conveying “It’s easy for me to reach you with my message” with varying postures and voice tones. The last section of the video includes a story revealing how he came up with his tool for developing self-talk to empower live presentations, and a sweet story about a father and a son that illuminates his style of speaking from the inside out.
Watch the video…

Crossroads TV show

Akaku Community Television, Maui, Hawaiian Islands
Dr Gary interviewed by Lucienne de Naie.
Watch the video… (59 min long)

Dr Gary Wohlman at Australia’s Inaugural CSR

Mastering Authenticity and Rapport
At the Inaugural CSR Summit in Sydney international performance coach & speaker-trainer Dr Gary Wohlman talks about: “In an effort to enhance your communication with stakeholders…”
Watch the video…